I received an email from someone who claimed to be Mrs. Abigail Johnson. She introduced herself as a philanthropist and the C.E.O/President of Fidelity Investments Inc, commonly referred to as Fidelity. She told me that I should count myself as lucky to have been selected by her to receive 3 Million USD in donation!
You’ll find below, my communication with fake email sender. My comments are in red.
The email from “Mrs. Abigail Johnson”
Subject: Your Fund Donation
My name is Abigail P Johnson, a philanthropist and the C.E.O/President : Fidelity Investments Inc, commonly referred to as Fidelity. Fidelity Investments Inc is a multinational financial services , It is the fourth largest asset manager with over $2.4 trillion
I believe strongly in giving while living and I have one idea that never changed in my mind, that one should use his/her wealth to help people and I have decided to secretly give USD$ 3,000,000.00 Million Dollars to randomly selected individuals worldwide.
On receipt of this message, you should count yourself as one of the lucky individuals, You have been chosen as of the random beneficiaries. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so that I will personally intimate on you on how to receive the fund
Visit my web page to know more about me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abigail_Johnson ( I remember reading in a Robert Ludlum novel, “base the lie on a truth and people will believe it.” The sender of this email is just trying to do that by directing me to a link that gives information about the Real Abigail Johnson.
Mrs.Abigail Johnson
mrsabigailpj@gmail.com – Notice the touch the scammer has employed – email id contains the FULL real name – Abigail P Johnson! This is how they try to build trust of the recepients.
This email from self proclaimed Mrs. Abigail Johnson is suspect
Punctuations, text spacing and grammar in the above email are not really up to the mark. That is something I would not expect from such an accomplished person, Imagine, CEO of Fidelity making such mistakes.
Additionally, why would the CEO of such a large organization use a Gmail id? She would send email from the company domain.
Finally, the reply to email (mrsabigailpj@gmail.com) is different from the email that is used to send the message (mssgindex@gmail.com). A classic scammer tactic
I’d , therefore suspect this email very much.
Fraud Email
Any email that offers to donate or give such large sums of money is obviously a fradulent email. Why would anyone offer a complete stranger millions of dollars?
The sender is Phishing for someone to take the bait and reply back.
This email had no links except to the Wikipedia page about the real Abigail Johnson. Ideally, one should not click on any link in such an email. However, the cursor on the link showed the link url to be genuine.
If a person were to click on this link, they would be taken to the Wikipedia page about Abigail Johnson. One could think that the email is genuine. However, this is precisely what one should be beware of. As I have said earlier, why would anyone offer to give 3 million dollars to me out of the blue?
However, as suggested by the sender, I counted myslef as lucky and wrote her this reply.
My Reply to “Mrs. Abigail Johnson”
To: mrsabigailpj@gmail.com
Mon, 31 May, 2021 at 12:07 pm
Dear Mrs. Abigail Johnson
Thanks you for your email. It is good to make acquaintance of the CEO of such a large and respected company. An honor indeed.
Do share details of what I need to do further to receive the funds.
best regards
Prakash Varma
I received the following reply the next day
Mrs Abigail Johnson <mrsabigailpj@gmail.com>
To: Prakash Varma
Tue, 1 Jun, 2021 at 6:24 pm
Dear : Prakash Varma
Thanks for your immediate response and congratulations to you from Abigail Johnson Foundations. (I looked for Abigail Johnson Foundations – there is no such foundation. There is however a Fidelity Foundation, of which Abigail Johnson is a Trustee). Recently, My doctor told me that I will undergo a Surgery (Cancer of the lung) and I may not survive it or live longer than required due to my health condition. (A 100% lie. Most scammers take this line when phishing. The real Abigail Johnson is healthy, touch wood).
As you receive this fund, Please ensure that you touch the lives of less privileged, orphans and physically impaired as a way of helping the Abigail Johnson Foundations circulate the work of charity and philanthropy. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously. I ask you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can and see the joy and happiness of giving.
I am always tied up with very busy schedules and sometimes failing health, I have therefore mandated Mr. Glen Dunker (Director of banking operations, Chase bank.) (I could not find any Glen Dunker at Chase Bank – not on Google. And not even on LinkedIn). To effectively arrange for the dispatch/remittance of your donation funds to you with immediate effect
To this effect, you are required to quickly contact Mr.Glen through the below details
Mr. Glen Dunker. (Director Of banking operations and Remittance, Chase bank)
Email: ( chase.info1@groupmail.com ) (Why would a Director at Chase Bank use an email on a domain like groupmail.com? Fact is that this is just a domain taken by the phishing email sender to send / receive emails – that is my guess. There is no website on this domain. It is a parked domain)
Tell: +1 469 532 0321
Please, forward to him:
Full Name:
Contact Address:
Mobile Number:
Like I always say , we rise by lifting others. In this situation, you can lift the less privileged out of poverty and agony by ensuring that you receive this funds and use it to touch lives especially in this great time of need caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Thus, we find fulfillment and live time joy through our actions
Please, endeavor email him (ABF/05087/2021) as your personal identification code
Best Wishes.
Visit my web page to know more about me:
Parked Domain Being Used For Phishing Scam
As I mentioned above the supposed email of Glen Dunker is on domain “groupmail.com”. If I type groupmail.com in my browser, I am taken to the following page
The fake email sender is doing two things, at least:
1. Using this domain for emails. That way he / she does’nt have to worry about getting the email id banned.
2. Earning advertisement revenue along the way as a bonus! Smart Boy.
For quite sometime, I did not write to Mr. Glen Denker. I wanted to see what would happen. If I’d get any more email like I have in someother cases. I however did not receive any more email. Atleast not from that email address.
I wrote to “Abigail Johnson” after a year!
Praksah Varma <mycorrectemail@domain.com>
To: Mrs Abigail Johnson (mrsabigailpj@gmail.com)
Sun, 26 Jun at 6:25 pm
Dear Mrs. Abigail Johnson,
I wrote to Mr. Glen but did not receive any reply. I was then down with covid and had to be in hospital for long time. Now I am fine. I hope you are also fine. I hope your cancer in cured.
I read about you. You are very rich. Also you seem to have a very kind heart.
Can you ask Mr. Glen to write back please.
Praksah Verma
Just when I had given up, I received this reply from Abigail Johnson
Mrs Abigail Johnson <mrsabigailpj@gmail.com>
To:Prakash Varma
Tue, 5 Jul at 6:27 pm
Dear : Prakash Varma
Thanks for your email, am so happy to hear that you doing healthy now. Am still at the hospital battling for survival . My only consolation is the good news from the bank about some beneficiaries that has recieved the fund and are lifting lives out of poverty as I have desired. (“She” is trying to tell me that she has given money to some other lucky fellow too.)
Once more, Please kindly contact Mr. Glen Dunker again :
Email: ( chase.info1@groupmail.com )
Tel: +1 310 879 5096 (The phone number has changed in one year!)
My Email to Glen Dunker
Prakash Varma <mycorrectemail@domain.com>
To: chase.info1@groupmail.com
Tue, 5 Jul at 10:19 pm
Dear Mr. Glen Dunker,
I have been advised by the gracious Mrs Abigail Johnson that I should write to you for the donation that she has planned to give to me. This donation I will use to help people and lift them out of poverty. What a noble soul she is. I pray to the almighty Lord to grant her good health. I hope she becomes well soon enough to be able to visit the people she is helping
I will be thankful if you can guide me about the process to get the donation.
best regards
Prakash Varma
I received this reply from Mr. Dunker
Chase Online <chase.info1@groupmail.com>
To: Prakash Varma
Wed, 6 Jul at 6:27 pm
Chase Online Banking:- Its easy, fast , convenient and reliable
Our Vision/Our Mission:To create a unique International Bank focused on providing creative solutions to customers’ business problems, with an absolute commitment to quality and availability around the globe.@ Chase Bank, effectiveness and efficiency to serve you is our priority
J.P Morgan Chase Bank
Mr. Glen .M. Dunker
Head Of Operation
E-mail : (jpm.chaseonline@groupmail.com)
Tel +1 310 879 5096
File No:- 1067/MM/FIDELITY
Fund Ref :- ABF/05087/20201
RE: Immediate Disbursement/Remittance Of Your Donation Fund Valued (US$3.000.000) Only
Attn : Prakash Varma
Ref : (ABF/05087/2022)/File No:- 1067/MM/FIDELITY
The management of JP Morgan Chase wishes to acknowledge the receipt of your email and your chosen option very well noted. (I don’t remember choosing any option other than the fact that I am happy to receive donation. But then who am I to argue?)
At JP Morgan Chase, effectiveness and efficiency to serve you is our priority, This is to say, that the immediate actualization of your the delivery of your fund donation is right in your hands just by following the Chase bank protocols. (Okay. So what are the Chase Bank protocols?)
NB : In order to actualize the delivery of your fund within the mandated time frame, we have already set up a schedule on your behalf to facilitate the immediate delivery of your donation fund. (That’s real fast man) Hence, the completion of your delivery is subject to JP Morgan Chase Terms and Conditions in accordance to financial laws and banking ethics governing the operations of JP Morgan Chase and inline with memorandum of understanding with A.B.F (Abigail Johnson Foundation) (“Terms and Conditions” was in red in Glen’s email. I thought that it would be a link that will give me Terms & Conditions. But it was just text. No link)
To this effect and in order to effectively issue and deliver your Certified ATM card, you are obliged to $290 only for express delivery/logistics and documentation as inline with the memorandum signed with Abigail Johnson foundation.
Thus, the sum is payable to our cashier department via bitcoin wallet ( bc1qru7w0kamt50vazpcu6k5gwn93fsfmv7a3wm7ny )
Please note, in accordance with the memorandum/deed with Abigail Johnson Foundation, no part of the donation fund can be accessed till the funds are remitted to the beneficiaries , this is to avoid compromise/diversion of funds.
For further clarification/directives , please call +1 310 879 5096
Thanks for understanding and cooperation. Please be assured,it’s our priority to serve you to your satisfaction.
Yours In Service
Mr .Glen .M. Dunker
Head Of Operation
E-mail : (jpm.chaseonline@groupmail.com)
Transfer Ref:- 54297/HH/01/2021
I replied to Glen Dunker a fews days later
Prakash Varma
To:Chase Online
Mon, 11 Jul at 5:03 pm
Dear Mr. Glen,
I am in receipt of your email about the transfer of donation from Abigail Johnson Foundation.
I do not have bitcoins. I also do not know how bitcoin transactions work. It is therefore not possible for me to transfer money to your bitcoin wallet.
I can share my bank details. You can have the donation money transferred to that account after subtracting your fee. I think that will be the easiest way to give us the donation.
We have already identified the people we would like to help from the donation money. I think Mrs. Abigail Johnson will be very pleased with the results.
best regards
Prakash Varma
Mr. Glen Dunker sent this reply
Chase Online <chase.info1@groupmail.com>
To:Prakash Varma
Mon, 11 Jul at 7:39 pm
RE: Immediate Disbursement/Remittance Of Your Donation Fund Valued (US$3.000.000) Only
Attn : Prakash Varma
Ref : (ABF/05087/2022)/File No:- 1067/MM/FIDELITY
RE: Immediate Disbursement/Remittance Of Your Donation Fund Valued (US$3.000.000) Only
Attn : Prakash Varma
Ref : (ABF/05087/2022)/File No:- 1067/MM/FIDELITY
With due regards to your email and its content very well noted . Please completely assured, as a renown global bank , we share in Mrs . Abigail’s ideology of helping humanity , especially the less privileged. Thus, we give our utmost priority to ensure we deliver best service .
Thus, all proper arrangement, necessary logistics and required documentation are intact and your donation fund will be transferred immediately upon your compliance with the mandatory $290 (23500 rupee)
Your can conveniently effect deposit to allied bank partners in India with the below details and payment slip emailed
A/C NO: 03491000018365.
Finally, You are also required to provide , your mobile number, address and banking details to enable us process the transfer of of your donation fund.
For further clarification/directives , please call +1 310 879 5096
Thanks for understanding and cooperation. Please be assured,it’s our priority to serve you to your satisfaction.
Yours In Service
Mr .Glen .M. Dunker
Head Of Operation
E-mail : (jpm.chaseonline@groupmail.com)
Transfer Ref:- 54297/HH/01/2021
My Thoughts
He has a bank account in India? I checked up the IFSC Code that he has mentioned in the bank details – IFSC CODE: PSIB0000349. As per the details shared by him, the address of the bank branch is Kalibari Road. This is what I found:
Man! the deatils are correct. So there must be a bank account too in that name. I am sure phishing emails go all over the world. So do they have bank accounts in all countries? How does one find that out?
Then another thought occured to me. How did he know that I am from India? Have I mentioned that during our communication? I checked and found that I have not mentioned India or any Indian city at all. So he must have guessed from my name that I am an Indian and therefore he shared an Indian Bank’s details.
What does that tell me? He is an Indian or he knows Indian names. Phone number that he shared twice are US numbers.
Too confusing at this stage.
Anyway, the good thing is that I have not mentioned that I live in India. And Indians are all over the world. So I sent this email to agent of “Mrs. Abigail Johnson”.
My reply – I am not in India!
Prakash Varma
To:Chase Online
Thu, 14 Jul at 12:39 pm
Dear Mr. Dunker
Received your reply and noted the Bank detauils. You have shared Bank details of some bank in India. I don’t live in India.
I live in Durban, South Africa. Will not be possible for me to send money to some bank in India.
You can give me bank details of some bank here in South Africa. But I will feel more comfortable if I am able to send money directly to Chase Bank. That way I also know that my money is safe.
Thanks in advance for understanding
Reply received from Glen Dunker
Chase Online <chase.info1@groupmail.com>
To:Prakash Varma
Sat, 16 Jul at 4:38 am (Why would someone working with a bank send an email at this hour?)
RE: Immediate Disbursement/Remittance Of Your Donation Fund Valued (US$3.000.000) Only
Attn : Prakash Varma
Ref : (ABF/05087/2022)/File No:- 1067/MM/FIDELITY
With due regards to your email and its content very well noted .
In respect of the payment and your convinent, please let me know if your can transfer to our allied partners
is Europe or you will prefer to transfer to an account here in USA. (I notice that his English is getting worse with each passing email. And he is giving me the option of choosing which continent I should send money to! It must be a gang that operates. I don’t think a single person could have bank accounts in different countries like he is suggesting. I know opening a bank account in India is not easy. You require all kind of documentation and tax id. I am sure so is the case in most countries)
You are required to let me know the most convinent for u .
For further clarification/directives , please call +1 310 879 5096
Thanks for understanding and cooperation. Please be assured,it’s our priority to serve you to your satisfaction.
Yours In Service
Mr .Glen .M. Dunker
Head Of Operation
E-mail : (jpm.chaseonline@groupmail.com)
Transfer Ref:- 54297/HH/01/2021
The Abigail Johnson scam operates from multiple countries
The email from Glen Dunker made me realise that Abigail Johnson scam operates from multiple countries. I am sure this would also be true of other phishing scams.
They have a bank account in India. He has given me option of choosing a bank in Europe or USA. That means at least 3 bank accounts. And I am sure they must be in different names.
Earlier I had thought that I’ll reply after a few days. But then I changed my mind and decided that I will reply immediately. If he can send me an email on Saturady morning at 4.38 am, then I can also write on Saturday. I could get a reply on Sunday. Imagine Wall Street bankers working 7 days a week !
My reply to Mr. Dunker
Prakash Varms
To:Chase Online
Sat, 16 Jul at 5:48 pm
Hi Glen,
You could share the details of both Europe and US banks. I’ll check with my Bank – First National Bank where it is easier to transfer money.
Also, Mr. Glen, I hope you don’t mind but I will be happy if I can send money directly to the Chase Bank account. $290 may not be big amount for Mrs. Abigail Johnson, but it is not a small amount for me.
thanks and regards
I now wait from Mr. Dunker’s reply. Will keep you posted
Last updated on July 16, 2022
This is an amazing sequence of email communication. I liked reading it. But dude don’t you think you are taking big risk by writing to these people like this? It is really hilarious, Loved it. And has he not yet sent you the bank details from Europe and USA?
Many thanks Tom. Glad you like it. Well, yes it is risky. But life too is a risk! NO, he has not yet shared the other bank details. Am waiting. Will update once I get them. See you again.
My grandmother also received similar mail. Luckily she showed it to me. I convinced her it was fraud. Yesterday I also showed her this article. She was shocked that someone could attempt such a fraud. Thank you for such a wonderful and informative article. God bless you!
Thanks Sharon. I am glad that the article could help you.